Modern Strategies of SEO in Perth That Help Improve Your Rankings

Now-a-days improving ranking is not as easy as it seems. Competition among businesses has grown beyond imagination. Also, search ranking algorithms have become smarter. Many techniques have now become gray or black hat. Some comes in the form of Google penalty. Here are few techniques which can be used to improve rankings:

1.      Guest posts
Guest posts are on a boom these days. Guest posts easily get back links. It is usually a 500-words post. These are important because they do not expect any kind of value to be derived from their blog. They usually for the backlink they get against writing the post. It can turn helpful for SEO in many indirect ways. They can easily propagate on social media hence getting your website more views & traffic.  

2.      Infographics

As we all know images or charts appeal more than text. They can really be a powerful weapon for getting backlinks. Aa simple trick here is to use embed code. It can be done through various softwares available. This code is used by the people who are going to use your infographic. When they are using your infographic they are you can ask them to add your URL. After this you will automatically get backlink. To advertise it more, add a description of 75 or so words and when needed your info graphic will be used.  Do not put your infographics on dead sites. If you want some extra, go and do some researches on the websites which are providing infographics like you and search for its customers, go there and sell you product. 

3.      Personal blogs of the CEO & other employees

Ask you colleagues & CEO to write the blog for you. The informally written & simplistic blog tends to gather more attention.  Readers feel more connected. By sharing some personal interests they are indirectly getting more traffic for the company. Your colleagues can write blog focusing on different angles during any product development. This will develop a better understanding of the topic in your readers. You never know which of your blogs will help some person in trouble.  These blogs can be handled in either of the 2 ways: a multi voice blog- posts as combined company’s post or individual section’s post.  Other can be every person in the company owning a blog and giving its links to company’s blog. 

4.      Giving interviews

CEOs, CXOs & your colleagues can really be a good subject for interview. Explore different sides of the product by simply interviewing these people. There no other way for branding in such perfect way. Just ask the questions which a buyer/viewer will be thinking. You have to fit in their boots. These interviews can allow the viewers/customers to know about company, their policies, new launches, initiatives, updates, work culture. This will make user feel emotionally connected to your brand. Do not forget to add links to all the interviews you done. 


Rankings can be improved simply by taking care of few points and planned strategies. Backlinks are the best weapons which can be used to boom your rankings. It must be used wisely. These efficient SEO  strategies are finely utilized in Perth to get much assistance.

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